Breaking in your barrel will ensure 3 major components to give you success while shooting:
1). This process allows you to get out any microscopic imperfections that can remain in the barrel caused by the rifling process
2). Your barrel will shoot more accurately
3). The rifling inside your barrel will become smoother, avoiding any fouling that can occur as well as providing stress relief
The following is only a guide to rifle barrel break-in based on our experience, and is not intended as a complete step-by-step instructional tool, nor is it a recommendation for any specific product. Variables including caliber, barrel material, bullet design, velocity, etc. will all affect the break-in necessary – some combinations will require more cleaning cycles and some less.
One cleaning procedure is to run a cotton patch wet with solvent through the barrel. Then, wet a bore brush (brass or bronze) with solvent and stroke the barrel 8-10 strokes, followed by another patch wet with solvent. At this point, run a cotton patch with gun oil through the barrel, followed by a dry patch to remove any excess. Initially, you should shoot “ 5 shots clean and oil bore. 10 shots, clean and oil bore”. Then follow up with “20 shots, clean and oil bore”. Do this as you are sighting in your firearm. Continue with a normal cleaning routine with normal use.
5 shots, clean and oil bore
10 shots, clean and oil bore
20 shots, clean and oil bore

Due to the design of our patented technology barrel it is EXTREMELY important that any muzzle device you use is installed onto your barrel properly. Here are a few tips to ensure correct installation of your muzzle device onto one of our barrels.
Do not use a crush washer. Devices need to be timed on our barrels using shims only. Use a variety of thickness (.003", .005", .008" and .010") in either 5/8" 24 or 1/2" 28 diameter depending on the barrel you purhase. Orientate or line up the bottom of the compensator so that it times at 6 o'clock with a maximum torque of 20ft/lbs. Do not pass 40ft/lbs of torque, as this could damage the barrel and your carbon fiber, voiding your warranty. When torquing, use one of your hands to hold onto the carbon near the end of the barrel to give it some extra support.
If you have any questions regarding installation, please call us at
Unsure of where to get shims?
Brownells has a kit available in 1/2" or 5/8"